Glaciers at the Rescue Mission

The Ohio Glaciers learned Importance of Giving Back at The Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley in Youngstown, Ohio…

On Sunday, March 24th, The Ohio Glaciers hosted “Glacier Day” at the Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley.

Players from both our 14U Sloan and 12U Kibby teams along with parents, coaches, friends and past players all came together to prepare and serve meals for the entire day to clients of The Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley.

Simon Roofing sponsored breakfast of bacon, eggs, and toast featuring Dunkin’ Donuts orange juice, coffee, and bagels. Lunch was sponsored by an anonymous donor and featured Dave’s Cosmic Subs. Simon Roofing also sponsoring dinner in which the meal was provided by Drake’s Landing and featured a Handel’s Ice Cream bar for dessert.

At the Rescue Mission, it is not uncommon for 300 trays to be served throughout an entire day of meals. The Mission is known to house, feed, counsel and educate hundreds of people each year through their different programs, enabling them to get back on their feet and become a contributive member of society. Robbie Jones, Rescue Mission Volunteer Coordinator, said that “it is fantastic to see young individuals serving at the Rescue Mission as this will teach our young children to serve others throughout their entire life. In having “Glacier Day”, it will bless us financially since the cost for all the meals at the Mission is a large component of our ministry here”.

A great read and new video below from WKBN with our 14U Sloan Team on March 24th…